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Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Injuries, Beach Fun and Sick Kids

It's three weeks to go until I even contemplate running again and to be honest I'm not even sure that I'll be ready then.

My shin still doesn't 'feel' 100% right. I'm sure you will know what I mean when I say that. Some how you just get that feeling that it's not fully healed yet. I've also got the slight bruising on my heel and somehow I've picked up a bit of a knee strain, I'm guessing through the increased weight training I've been doing in recent weeks as there's nothing else I can really put that down to.

It seems I'm going through more ice than ever before on the heel and knee together with the shin when that flares up. How ironic. During my rehab I manage to pick up more injuries!!

I know they're only minor annoyances that I probably shouldn't bother too much about (who doesn't carry injuries right?), but I would have liked to come out of this period injury free if at all possible. My one major goal remains to get on top of the shin splints as I know that once I've beaten that anything else should clear up in time.

Here are some shots of Takapuna Beach taken on the weekend. It's a superb beach right in the heart of Auckland's North Shore great for walking, running or just lazing in the sun. The weekend brought us two contrasting days from a mostly fine Saturday to Sunday when the wind and rain got up. It didn't stop the boys though from having a great time playing at waters edge chasing the waves. The island in the background is Rangitoto an old extinct volcano that last erupted around 600 years ago.

This week both the boys have been home sick. Michelle took Jack to the doctor today and evidently he has a swollen ear drum which was very close to bursting. He's on antibiotics now which will hopefully settle that down.

As a result of a few unsettled nights I've missed my early morning workouts. I did make it to Body Balance last night however and am loving that. It's a mixture of Pilates, Yoga and core strengthening and I can really sense the benefit I'll be getting from it.

Monday lunch time I got to the pool running session and tomorrow morning hopefully I'll be up early and into the gym for Bodypump. Friday lunch time will be a swim.

Have a great rest of the week, happy running.

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Unknown said...

The biggest key to rehabilitating an injury is rest, so make sure you are getting plenty of rest.

Best of luck coming back.

Ewen said...

I hope the boys are feeling better soon.

When you do finally get back, I can recommend the very slow gentle running as a way to build strength and thus prevent injuries. Just shuffle along. I don't think you can run too slow when building 'kilometreage'.

We'll take whatever wins we can. I guess the World Cup is the next big thing.

Not a bad beach - better than the US ones, although if you want a good beach, you know where to visit ;)

Marcy said...

Those pics are beautiful!!! Especially the one with all the waves!

What's up with all you people and Bodypump classes? Sounds a little too scary for me LOL

Scott McMurtrey said...

yuck about those new nagging injuries. but hopefully they're just nagging and not more serious.

great photos!

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about the continuing battle with the shin. Nice photos of the beach.

Olga said...

What I had just discussed with my friend on Sat run was since I stopped any kind of speed work, I lost all my injuries. I gotten much slower, yes:) but no need to take time off to heal or push through injuries and get new/worse. My 2c. I will probably do speedwork again, may be next year, but this one is just a base.

Mike said...

Both my wife and our daughter have had eardrums burst. That's definitely no fun. Good luck with healing all around for the whole family.