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Monday, 2 April 2007

A Run too Fast, too Soon?

Today's run was another test to see how far the strained calf has come along. Rather than the slow and easy I have been running over the last week today I stepped it up a notch.

- Distance - 6.6 km (4.1 miles)
- Time - 33:45
- Pace - 5:05 mpk (7:32 mpm)
- Max HR 169
- Ave HR 140

The physio said I should aim to increase my runs by about 5 minutes per week. With the Xterra 11 km Trail Run coming up in Rotorua on Saturday week, I have been trying to up the distance by about 1 km or 5 minutes on each run. Hopefully that will get me to Rotorua in some sort of shape to have a good run. Today that meant I needed to run for about 35 minutes.

I also decided that I needed to up the speed work a bit. After about 15 minutes I was still moving along at I guess about 5:20 pace (K's) but the HR was still way short of 150.

I lifted the pace for a K then eased back for the next K. The calf was beginning to tighten and say "enough". I wanted to try one more faster K but delayed it until the calf had settled. I again lifted the pace but before long the calf was tightening again. I stopped, stretched and then just jogged the last K back to work.

I was a little worried that I may have gone too hard and done some damage but the calfs seem to have settled down okay this afternoon and I'm sure they're okay. Sometimes I wonder whether the other calf has a slight strain also but then it could just be the calfs still adjusting to the Pose Method.

I'm heading down to Christchurch tommorrow on a business trip. Will be spending Tuesday night down there so will take the opportunity for a rest from training for two days before hitting the road again on Thursday where I'll aim for 7-8 K.

Have a great week & happy running.

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Donald said...

Hi - Thanks for your recent comments on my blog (and sorry for the delayed response). You're the new winner of my perpetual "reader who lives farthest away from me" contest.

Good luck with the rehab process. Hopefully you have many happy miles ahead!