Blog Directory - Blogged A Kiwi on the Run: Strained calf again or just some soreness?

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Strained calf again or just some soreness?

My right calf has been sore for the last two days since Thursday's training run.

I'm not 100% sure whether I have re injured it or whether the pain is just general muscle soreness from Thursday's hard session. The soreness seems to be lower than where the strain occurred and I'm thinking that as I didn't pull up lame on Thursday after the run then it is more than likely just soreness.

I have my 5 km race tomorrow morning which I'm still really keen on completing. I went for a 2 km run this afternoon just to test the calf out and though it was a little uncomfortable and tight I was able to complete it without the discomfort getting any worse.

I really have no idea how I will go as I have never run a 5 km race before but the plan tomorrow is to start at at around 4:40 pace for the first k. The next k or so is uphill so I will probably look to ease back a bit to around 5:00 pace. The last 2k is all down hill to the finish to hopefully I will have enough in reserve to run the last two at around 4:30 pace to finish around 23 -24 minutes.

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Love2Run said...

ice, ibuprophen, stretching? Keep it under control if you can during your race so it doesn't get worse. Have a good run 'Coach'!