Blog Directory - Blogged A Kiwi on the Run: Weekly wrap up

Sunday, 1 April 2007

Weekly wrap up

Went for a pretty uninspiring buke ride today. Lacking is motivation and energy to push my self. The calf was aching a bit too. Ended up cutting the circuit short by about 5 km.

- Distance - 14.3 km (8.9 miles)
- Time - 45:50
- Pace - 18.7 kph (11.6 mph)
- Max HR 126
- Ave HR 112

Weekly Wrap

- Ran 13.2 km (8.2 miles) in 73 minutes.
- Swam 1200 meters in 37 minutes
- Biked 14.3 km (8.9 miles) in 46 minutes

Watching the Weight

Steady at 85 kilo's (187 pounds).