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Saturday, 31 March 2007

Almost back to full Fitness.

Today run was another step back towards full fitness. It's been two weeks since the Calf Strain and I feel that I'm perhaps only a run or two away from being fulling fit again.

Today's run was a gentle 6 km run which I again took nice and slow. It was about 1 km further than my last effort, I am aiming to increase my distances each run by about a kilometer (or five minutes) until I'm back to running the sort of distances and intensity runs I was doing pre injury.

Today's run;

- Distance - 5.8 km (3.6 miles)
- Time - 30:45
- Pace - 5:20 mpk (8:32 mpm)
- Max HR 164
- Ave HR 117

Today I was just aiming to finish a 30 minute run and was not at all interested in the pace, other than keeping it slow. After 15 minutes my HR monitor was still only reading 99 and it seemed to be stuck at that level for some time. I wondered whether it was malfunctioning, surely I'm working harder than that?

The HR eventually got up over 150 but only after 20 minutes or so when I did feel confident enough to increased the pace a little.

I was surprised at the end of the run to see that my pace was 5:20 per km as I felt for sure that I was running way slower. This was just a real easy run but it was at a pace that six months ago I would have considered fast.

The calf felt a little tight to start with but warmed up nicely as I went on. Felt my shins a little more in fact today and that remains a concern for me, particularly as I look to increase the miles further in coming weeks & months. I iced the calf and shins afterwards just to be safe. All feels okay now.

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