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Saturday, 17 March 2007

Saturday Morning Bike Ride

I like to mix my training up a bit with swimming and biking, on top of the running, to add a bit of variety plus with my history of shin splints I'm a bit gun shy of running more than three times a week or on consecutive days. So today I went for a bike ride.

Distance - 20KM
Time - 56:20
Max HR - 162
Ave HR - 140

The ride is one 20K loop around my neighborhood on Auckland's North Shore. It's challenging enough with several hills which test me and some longish flatter sections where you can get some reasonable speed up. I pushed myself all the way today and ended with a PB for this ride, even though I was stopped by a few sets of lights.

Don't you just hate it when you're on a ride and you see some traffic lights in the distance and you push that little bit harder trying to make it in time only for them to go red just before you get there. That seems to happen to me a few time today.

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